Course Schedule and Structure

Course Structure

This course incorporates various delivery methods in order to provide you with some key theoretical topics for psychedelic-assisted therapy, using an evidence-based approach and best practices that will promote your learning retention and engagement. We aim to provide you with sufficient opportunities to practice relevant skills that will help you on your journey to becoming a competent health professional working in psychedelic-assisted therapy.


Each module has pre-work that must be completed prior to the experiential period, observational period, and practicum. In the pre-work, there is text for you to read and videos for you to watch so that you have sufficient foundational knowledge to get the most out of the live sessions.

Clinical Time

The largest component of this course will be in the clinic. You will participate in one Preparation, Medicine, and Integration Session as a participant undergoing the effects of the medicine. You will also observe two to three clients in their Preparation, Medicine, and Integration Sessions as they undergo psychedelic-assisted therapy.


Throughout the course, there will be various assessments to evaluate your knowledge, skills, and competencies that you have gained from the course. On the previous Assessment Overview page, you learned about the course assessments and what you’ll need to successfully complete them.

Course Schedule

Before we dive into the course content, take a look at the course schedule to give yourself an idea of what is expected of you each module.

Course Access Begins

Upon registration

Course End Date

Upon completion of all requirements

Final Assignment Submission Date

Within one month of completing all clinical requirements

Course Access Ends

1 year after enrollment

Time Scheduling

Shortly after you are enrolled in the course, the clinical research team at Numinus will reach out to you to schedule you for your in-person clinic sessions for the Experiential Period, Observational Period, and Practicum. If you have any questions, please email .

For the Experiential and Observational Periods, you will be paired with another learner who is taking this course. When you are participating in the Experiential Period, they will be observing your Preparation, Medicine, and Integration Sessions. For your Observational Period, you will be observing your partner as they participate in Preparation, Medicine, and Integration Sessions. For your practicum, you will be working with actual Numinus clients seeking treatment for their mental health conditions.


You are required to complete 50 hours in order to obtain your certificate at the end of this course. Please keep track of the time you have spent working on pre-work and any clinical time. If you have chosen to participate in the clinical trial and are eligible, this clinical time (both as an observer and as a participant) will count towards the 50 hour requirement.


  • Complete the Experiential Period Pre-work module on Numinus' Training Platform
  • Complete the Observational Period Pre-work module on Numinus' Training Platform
  • Complete the experiential worksheet for your portfolio

Learning Outcomes

  • Map psychedelic-assisted therapy onto Kolb’s experiential learning model.
  • Demonstrate preparedness to undergo psychedelic-assisted therapy as a participant for the purposes of training and personal development.
  • Describe the components of Preparation, Medicine, and Integration Sessions that are relevant to this experience.
  • Reflect on how personal experiences with this process and psychedelic medicines can better prepare you to support clients in the future.
  • Recall the Numinus care model, the characteristics of the therapeutic stance, trauma-specific skills, and other core skills.
  • Recall the subjective and physiological effects and side effects of the medicine.
  • Discuss the need to uphold cultural safety and humility within an Indigenous context.
  • Describe the contraindications and concomitant medications of the medicine in order to determine client suitability for psychedelic-assisted therapy.

Assessments Due

  • Experiential Period Pre-work Module Knowledge Check due before attending your Preparation Session (Experiential Period)
  • Experiential worksheet for your portfolio due before participating in any clincal time.


Completion of the above pre-requisites enables you to be recruited for the NUMT2 clinical trial based on your qualifications and course work. However, all clinical trials are regulated by Health Canada and an Independent Ethics Review Board, and all participants of a clinical trial must be carefully screened by the study team to determine eligibility based on the approved study protocol. Enrolment in the clinical trial will be determined following these steps and the decision of the Qualified Investigator.

  • If eligible, participate in an Preparation Session (Experiential Period) preparing to undergo psychedelic-assisted therapy
  • If eligible, participate in an Medicine Session (Experiential Period) under the effects of the medicine
  • If eligible, participate in an Integration Session (Experiential Period) having had experienced the effects of the medicine during a Medicine Session
  • If eligible, observe your assigned partner's Preparation Session (Observational Period) and complete the preparation worksheet for your portfolio
  • If eligible, observe your assigned partner's Medicine Session (Observational Period) and complete the Medicine Session observation log for your portfolio
  • If eligible, observe your assigned partner's Integration Session (Observational Period) and complete the Integration Session worksheet for your portfolio

Note: depending on scheduling, you may complete the observational period before the experiential period.

Learning Outcomes

  • Reflect on how personal experiences with this process and psychedelic medicines can better prepare you to support clients in the future.
  • Demonstrate adherence to Numinus clinic protocols.
  • Describe Preparation, Medicine, and Integration Sessions from first-hand experience as an observer.
  • Outline how the lead therapist embodies the Numinus care model and establishes the therapeutic relationship with the client.
  • Map the client’s experience under the effects of the medicine onto the arc of psychedelic-assisted therapy.
  • Examine the skills employed during an Integration Session and map them onto the Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy integration framework.

Assessments Due

  • Preparation worksheet to be completed during/after the Preparation Session (Observational Period)
  • Medicine Session observation log to be completed during/after the Medicine Session (Observational Period)
  • Integration Session worksheet to be completed during/after the Integration Session (Observational Period)


  • Complete the Practicum Pre-work module on the Numinus Training Platform
  • Participate in your in-person clinic orientation, if your practicum is at a different clinic than your Observational Period sessions
  • Observe client Preparation Sessions (Practicum) and complete one therapeutic relationship and Numinus care model worksheet for each session for your portfolio
  • Observe client Medicine Sessions (Practicum) and complete one Medicine Session observation log for each session for your portfolio
  • Observe client Integration Sessions (Practicum) and complete one Integration Session worksheet for each session for your portfolio

Learning Outcomes

  • Recall how to embody a trauma- and violence-informed care approach to psychedelic-assisted therapy
  • Apply cultural safety and humility to the observation of psychedelic-assisted therapy
  • Understand how to approach challenging moments in the therapy room
  • Understand the importance of ongoing consent and the role that you play in the client’s setting
  • Describe the three layers of embodied inquiry
  • Demonstrate adherence to Numinus clinic protocols.
  • Describe Preparation, Medicine, and Integration Sessions from first-hand experience as an observer.
  • Outline how the lead therapist embodies the Numinus care model and establishes the therapeutic relationship with the client.
  • Map the client’s experience under the effects of the medicine onto the arc of psychedelic-assisted therapy.
  • Examine the skills employed during an Integration Session and map them onto the Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy integration framework.

Assessments Due

  • Practicum Pre-work Module Knowledge Check due before attending the first Preparation Session (Practicum)
  • Preparation worksheet to be completed during/after the Preparation Session (Observational Period)
  • Medicine Session observation log to be completed during/after the Medicine Session (Observational Period)
  • Integration Session worksheet to be completed during/after the Integration Session (Observational Period)