The body can be used as a source of information both in the past and present. Consider both internal and external sensations (touch, taste, sound, hearing, smell, thoughts).
Sample Inquiry Questions:
- What did you notice? What showed up in the body?
- What happened when you brought attention to these sensations?
- Can you describe the sensations?
- How did you work with these, if you did? And then what happened?
Emotions can be identified as single words (happy, sad, disgust, fear, joy, and others) and their physical correlates.
Sample Inquiry Questions/Statements
- It sounds like there was emotion present.
- So, there was [name the emotion, in response to a nonverbal gesture, emotional tone etc.]
- How did you know that emotion was present? How did you meet that?
- How did it show up in the body if there were associated sensations?
Thoughts appear as words, sentences, or images.
Sample Inquiry Questions/Statements:
- So, there were a lot of [associations, memories, thoughts]
- When did these show up?
- What happened when you became aware of these? And then?
- It sounds like you were able to step back from these and observe them (if they did).
Behaviours include actions, urges, and impulses to act.
Sample Inquiry Questions/Statements
- When you noticed that challenge, then what happened? How did you meet that?
- What did you choose to do, if anything?
- So, there was an [urge, behaviour].