A significant aspect of the preparation phase, prior to the ingestion of the psychedelic medicine, is to create a harm reduction and preparation plan.
This is to protect both the client and the health professional offering PHRI services.
The health professional should be aware of potential legal and ethical issues and consider risks to themselves in delivering PHRI (Jade, 2018).
A harm reduction approach generally refers to a shift in perspective away from viewing substance use as criminal, immoral, or a disease. Rather, substance use is seen as a complex process consisting of multiple variables including psychosocial and biological elements.
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Jade, R (2018) Integrating Underground Psychedelic Use: A Cautionary Note for Licensed Health Care Provider.
Tatarsky, A., (2002) Harm Reduction Psychotherapy: A New Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Problems. Rowan & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Fluence (2020). Psychedelics 101 & 102 Harm Reduction Informed Preparation & Integration. Liberty Psychological Services, PLLC.