Welcome to Numinus Training! Whether this is your first course or one of several that you have taken on this platform, we have created this quick guide to help you make the most of your learning experience.
When you log into our platform, you should see all of your assigned modules and learning plans. Everything you need for this course will be found in the Learning Plan.
Once in the learning plan, you can access all pre-work, live sessions (if applicable), and assessments in one place. You can select which module you would like to begin or continue, and you can see the recommended or required order in which you should complete the modules in your course learning plan.
If you only want to see the Learning Plans you're registered for, consider using the filters feature. Select "type", then "learning plan" under filters.
Once you're in a course, you will be able to view content using the content viewer, also known as the content player. There are several options for screen width which you can change according to your preferences. You can toggle between compact, fullscreen, and widescreen views by selecting the Table of Contents button in the top-right of the screen when viewing content.
Please ensure that you read through all tabs before proceeding.
In compact view, you can see all of the content, and the navigation pane is on the right side of the screen.
In fullscreen, you can see all of the content in a larger window, and the navigation pane is minimized on the right side of the screen.
In widescreen, you can see a wider view of the screen. The navigation pane is moved to the bottom of the screen.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to adjust the content viewer height. It is only possible to adjust the width (compact, fullscreen, or widescreen).
There are several features built into the course to help you learn and recall information. Below are some features to keep an eye out for.
Please ensure that you read through all content before proceeding by hovering over each image. If using a screen reader, the whole text will be read automatically.
Popovers are used to provide some additional context. Whenever you see a word or phrase with orange highlighting, select the word or phrase and you will see some additional context. If you are using a screen reader, the screen reader will let you know that there is a button to be selected. Selected the button with the [tab] and [enter] keys, and the screen reader will read the popover. When you are finished, select the [enter] to make the popover disappear.
You will find several videos throughout the course. All videos that can be played directly on the page or have links included to open the video in a new tab are required to view. All videos that are in a "learn more" callout are optional and only if you want to further expand your knowledge. Some of the required videos in the course have been specifically curated for your learning, so you are only required to watch a short portion of a longer video. To understand how much of the video you will need to watch, keep an eye out for the orange timestamps on each video to get a better sense of the time commitment.
All course materials are required except the content found in the Learn More callouts. The content in these learn more callouts are optional if you wanted additional readings or videos.
Our platform has breadcrumbs to help you go back if you need to return to a previous section of the course.
Breadcrumbs only work when going from a module to a learning plan (course homepage) to our platform's home page. To navigate between content, please use the table contents navigation window that appears on the right (for content and fullscreen view) or the bottom (for the widescreen view) as described above.
All content should have a check mark, and when you are finished a module, it should show 100% completion. If it does not, please check that all content has a brown check mark. If you notice any content with a beige check mark or a red X, you must complete the items before the module is marked as completed. If you have completed all course content and the module is still not being marked as 100% completed, please reach out to training@numinus.com.
Assignments which have been submitted will not be marked as completed until they are graded.
At the end of the course, you will be required to complete a survey in order to download your certificate. After you have completed the survey, you will receive detailed instructions on how to download the certificate.