Assessment Overview

There are several assessments throughout the course to evaluate to what extent you have achieved the course learning outcomes, including knowledge, skills, and competencies. Your final grade will be composed of the following assessments:

Passing Grade

In order to receive the certificate from the course, you will need to achieve 80% as a final grade.

Due Dates

Given that everyone is busy with competing priorities, this course offers flexible due dates. In order to avoid falling behind, you will see recommended due dates on all assignment pages. On the Course Schedule and Structure, there is a final assignment submission deadline. After this deadline, assignments will no longer be accepted and you will receive a grade of 0 on these outstanding assignments.

Assessment Details

Please ensure that you read through all items before proceeding by selecting each title.

You will find short knowledge checks throughout each week of content. These knowledge checks will give you an opportunity to check your understanding of the topics covered in the asynchronous content. Each knowledge check will evaluate the learning outcomes identified each week.


  • You will have an unlimited time to complete the knowledge check.

  • The knowledge checks are open book.

  • There will be 5-10 multiple choice questions.


Throughout the course, there will be opportunities to practice your skills which do not count towards your final grade. Participation in these activities is strongly encouraged for you to benefit the most from this course and leave the course with a strong skillset.