Indigenous Use of Sacred Plant Medicines

The history and traditions of how these sacred plant medicines have been used can be traced from since before memory which is why we refer to this history as since “time immemorial”.

Video: Indigenous Use of Sacred Plant Medicines


In the following video, we’ll learn about some of the medicines that have historically been used and continue to be used by Indigenous Peoples in ceremony and other practices.

Sacred Plant Medicines

As a summary of the medicines, we learned about, please read through the following slides. Please note that this list includes some examples of where these plant medicines are found and is not intended to be an exhaustive list.


Rush, B., Marcus, O., Shore, R., Cunningham, L., Thompson, N., & Rideout, K. (2022). Psychedelic medicine: A rapid review of therapeutic applications and implications for future research. Homewood Research Institute.

Samorini, G. (2019). The oldest archaeological data evidencing the relationship of Homo sapiens with psychoactive plants: A worldwide overview. Journal of Psychedelic Studies, 3(2), 63-80.