Following the psychedelic experience, clients often report that they want to continue to stay connected and engaged with what has often been a transformative experience.
Keeping it alive can include an ongoing exploration of their meaning-making and content from the session. This can allow the experience to continue to expand and transform their lives.
Some ways of keeping the experience alive include:
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The importance of community cannot be understated as it supports keeping alive the connection and engagement they feel after Medicine Sessions as well as the guiding approach of connection (beyond the relationship with health professionals). Health professionals should encourage clients to find and engage in a community of individuals with shared interests. These could be online groups or in-person groups of people engaged in psychedelic healing or even joining volunteer associations. Often finding new community connections can be a powerful way to anchor changes in how one is relating to themselves and the world. They can continue to practice and discover their clarified values within the community and have this reflected back to them.
See Numinus’s psychedelic integration circles for more information.
What are some other strategies for keeping integration alive beyond the psychedelic-assisted therapy?