Health professionals should instruct clients to give them lots of advance warning if they feel as though they need to go to the washroom.
When it is time to do so, health professionals will help clients off the couch and check their stability and balance before walking. If there are two health professionals present and one is of the same gender as the client, then it is that health professional that should accompany the client to the washroom. The accompanying health professional should offer the client their arm for the client to hold as they walk to the washroom. If the client is particularly unsteady on their feet, then the client can rest their hands on the health professional’s shoulders and they both walk in the same direction with the client in tow. If this is the case and a second health professional is present, then they should walk behind the client to ensure that they do not fall backwards or sideways.
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Summary of Recommended Supplies
It is recommended that you have the following supplies in the therapy room:
Key to unlock the washroom if a client locks themselves inside
A purge bucket
An accident proof cover on the bed or couch
A change of bedding and blankets if the bed becomes soiled
Haden, M. (2019). Manual for Psychedelic Guides.