Talking During the Period of Peak Effect

Generally, during the period of peak effect, the client is encouraged to lie down and invited to use the eyeshades and headphones (which are optional) to help them focus internally.

However, if the client is talkative, then the role of the health professional is to approach the situation with the following strategies.

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Empathetic presence includes providing a non-judgmental environment, which offers permission to talk openly and honestly. It requires listening beneath and beyond the spoken words for deeper meanings, acknowledging the other’s suffering, and validating the client’s feelings.

The period of peak effect is a time for minimal intervention in the client experience. The objective is to provide a consistent empathic presence and assist the client to feel both safe and connected. As much as possible, use embodied inquiry to help the client stay with and track their inner process.

Examples of Responses

Some examples of non-directive communication include:

  • Ongoing supportive and positively reinforcing statements:

    • “You’re doing great”

  • Pendulation and Titration – if something difficult is coming up:

    • “What happens if you zoom out and see what is surrounding that black vortex in your abdomen?”

    • “What does the edge of it look like? Let’s invoke (one of their resources)”

    • “What happens if you choose to bring that in now?”

  • If the client is locked in a story:

    • “As you are telling me this, what are you noticing in the body? Sensations? Anything?”


Haden, M. (2019). Manual for Psychedelic Guides.