Conducting Preparation and Integration Sessions via Video

In some situations, Preparation and Integration Sessions can be conducted remotely, and there are a few important considerations when structuring this therapeutic format.

It is important to note that Medicine Sessions should always be conducted in person due to the vulnerable state that clients are in and the need of health professionals to closely monitor the client’s physical condition.

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All health professionals are to explain and explore the ethical and legal parameters of conducting psychotherapy online with their clients. Clients should receive documentation outlining the privacy and confidentiality agreements of online therapy before meeting with the health professional.

In the first session, it is important that health professionals take time to ensure that clients feel comfortable with participating in psychotherapy online. It is also important that health professionals explain some of the limitations of online psychotherapy from their perspective and outline principles of practice that will allow the client to receive the most out of online psychotherapy services by

  • Ensuring privacy

  • Practicing self-care before session

  • Leaving time after the session

  • Removing pets from the room

  • Ensuring a strong bandwidth connection

  • Clarifying what to do if the connection is lost (backup voice call advised)

Health professionals should likewise join from a private and confidential space that is free of clutter and with adequate lighting and internet bandwidth to ensure a stable connection.

Video: Online Therapy Home Office Setup


Consider a setup like the one that this health professional demonstrates in her video for your home office setup.