Welcome to Module 3!
Please take some time to review the structure of this module to understand what tasks you’re required to do, what virtual face-to-face sessions you’re required to attend, and what evaluations you need to submit. Time estimates for each activity have been provided to help you plan your time this week.
Please work through the following content prior to attending the virtual face-to-face sessions.
Module 3 online content
You should meet with your group after the virtual face-to-face session at whatever time is most convenient for your group to practise the following exercises:
To join the live session, please return to the learning plan, select the live session you're trying to join, select the toggle button, and select Join. The join button will be hidden until 1 hour before the session begins. Under the Content tab in the live session module, you will find a detailed agenda for the live session. If there are any notes or handouts from the session, they can also be found under the Content tab.
After the Module 3 virtual session, you are invited to discuss ‘inner healing process’ / ‘inner healing intelligence’. Consider reviewing Trust Enhancement in Week 2 prior to meeting with your group. Choose some of the questions below to discuss.
How do you relate to this concept?
Is it new to you or something that already guides your work with clients? How does it show up?
Share an example from personal experience where you have become aware of inner healing intelligence and/or your alignment with this notion has been affirmed or reinforced?
In what ways is this concept helpful for clients undergoing PAT?
What are some ways you can explore this more personally as it relates to your own journey of healing and growth?
Do you have any challenges with this concept and using it with clients? How might you overcome them?
How might trusting your client’s inner healing process reflect:
Trauma- and violence-informed care
Indigenous cultural safety and humility
Justice, equity, dignity and inclusivity
For more information on the group practice groups, please visit Practice Group Instructions.
The following assessments are due shortly.
Module 3 Knowledge Check due Thursday February 16
Reflection Assignment 1 is due Thursday February 23
See the Course Schedule for all due dates.
If you have questions this week, don’t hesitate to reach out to training@numinus.com.