Module 8 Live Session Agenda

Please see below for a high-level agenda of the topics that will be discussed in the live session this week. We look forward to seeing you shortly!

Time (PT) Time (ET) Topic Details
8:45AM 11:45AM Login into Zoom link Email for support if you have trouble logging in.
9:00AM 12:00PM Welcome and opening
9:10AM 12:10PM Opening practice
9:20AM 12:20PM Small group breakout
9:30AM 12:30PM Setting the context
10:05AM 1:05PM Small group breakout Self reflection and group work
10:25AM 1:25PM Large group debrief
10:40AM 1:40PM BREAK
10:50AM 1:50PM Pro-tips
11:05AM 2:05PM Small group sharing
11:20AM 2:20PM Open q and a
11:35AM 2:35PM Closing practice