Module 1 Knowledge Check Instructions (4%)

Recommended Due Date: End of Week 1. See Course Schedule for exact dates.

Final Submission Date: See Course Schedule for exact dates.

Submit to: Numi-U Quiz tool

Weight: 4%

Learning Outcomes

This assignment will evaluate the following module-level learning outcomes:

  1. Describe the seven guiding approaches of psychedelic-assisted which include embodiment, mindfulness, trauma- and violence-informed care, justice, equity, dignity, and inclusion (JEDI), cultural safety and humility, harm reduction, relationship-centered care, and connection for the purposes of applying these to the delivery of care.

  2. Justify the prioritization of integrative and transformative mental wellness within the context of psychedelic-assisted therapy by contrasting it with conventional mental health treatment approaches.

  3. Describe the mission, vision, and values of Numinus.

  4. Differentiate the outcomes of the psilocybin, MDMA, and Ketamine PAT from a high-level.

  5. Explain the structure of psychedelic-assisted therapy.

  6. Describe key historical research that have contributed to the development of current PAT methods.

  7. Explain the impact that The Controlled Drug and Substances Act (Canada) and The Controlled Substances Act (United States) had and continue to have on psychedelic research and drug policy.

  8. Utilize Kolb’s experiential learning cycle and map this onto the learning that takes place for the client during and following Medicine Sessions and to the therapeutic relationship as a process.


  • You will have an unlimited time to complete the knowledge check.

  • The knowledge check is open book.

  • There will be 5-10 multiple choice questions.