A case conceptualization is a cognitive map or process that provides counselors with a structured plan for understanding and treating a client’s presenting issues.
This plan includes treatment interventions that focus on the therapeutic alliance to increase the likelihood of achieving treatment goals. Case conceptualizations are essential to guide and focus treatment and to anticipate challenges that may arise.
Please read this article which proposes a method for practicing case conceptualization to improve treatment outcomes for clients which is particularly important when working with complex cases like C-PTSD.
Sperry, J. & Sperry, L. (2020). Case conceptualization: Key to highly effective counseling. Counselling Today.
“A thorough case conceptualization sees a whole human being with unique biopsychosocial and cultural predisposing and precipitating factors that have influenced their patterns and presentation. We must not perpetuate the error of Western biomedicine to pathologize and alienate an individual as the source of their own 'disorder’ (what’s wrong with you), but rather seek to understand what contextual factors have contributed to their unique patterns of coping and managing stress and pain (what happened or is happening with you?). If we seek to turn toward and understand a person’s symptoms rather than eradicate them, and assist them to come into new relationship with their experience, their sense of self, and their life circumstances, we may serve by empowering them to discover their own path to healing.”
— Dr. Devon Christie, MD, CCFP, IFMCP, RTC (2023)
After reading the article, can you list the eight Ps of case conceptualization?
The eight Ps are: