Module 4 Overview

Welcome to Module 4!

Please take some time to review the structure of this module to understand what tasks you’re required to do, what live sessions you’re required to attend, and what evaluations you need to submit. Time estimates for each activity have been provided to help you plan your time.


Please work through the following content prior to attending the live sessions.


Virtual Face-to-Face Sessions

Please ensure that you attend the following live sessions this week.


  • Tuesday April 18

    • 9:00AM to 12:00PM PT

    • 12:00PM to 3:00PM ET

    • 6:00PM to 9:00PM CET

To join the live session, please return to the learning plan, select the live session you're trying to join, select the toggle button, and select Join. The join button will be hidden until 1 hour before the session begins. Under the Content tab in the live session module, you will find a detailed agenda for the live session. If there are any notes or handouts from the session, they can also be found under the Content tab.


The following assessments are due shortly.

  • Module 4 Knowledge Check due Tuesday April 18

See the Course Schedule for all due dates.


If you have questions this week, don’t hesitate to reach out to .